Research article (journal)

Brand, C., Hagedorn, T., Kösters, T., Meier, M., Sieg, G., & Wessel, J. (2024). Riding the green wave — How countdown timers at bicycle traffic lights impact on cycling behavior. Travel Behaviour and Society, 35, 100731.
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Cordes, S., Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Werner, T. (2024). What Drives Demand for Loot Boxes? An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M. a. W., & Christian, (2024). Why “Energy Price Brakes” Encourage Moral Hazard, Raise Energy Prices, and Reinforce Energy Savings. RAND Journal of Economics. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., Feldhaus, C., Ockenfels, A., & Sutter, M. (2024). Household reduction of gas consumption in the energy crisis is not explained by individual economic incentives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.). (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Frey, J. (2024). Optimal Stopping in a Dynamic Salience Model. International Economic Review, 65, 885–913.
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., Kasinger, J., & Schneider, D. (2024). Skewness Preferences: Evicence from Online Poker. Games and Economic Behavior, 10977, 460–484.
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Köster, M. (2024). Salient Cues and Complexity. Management Science. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Wey, C. (2024). Resale Price Maintenance in a Successive Monopoly Model. Journal of Industrial Economics, 71, 729–761.
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Findenegg, J. &. W. J. (2024). Pump or pedal? The impact of fuel prices on cycling in Germany. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 186.
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Gauß, P., Gensler, S., Kortenhaus, M., Riedel, N., & Schneider, A. (2024). Regulating the sharing economy: The effects of day caps on short- and long-term rental markets and stakeholder outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52.
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Gretschko, V., & Mass, H. (2024). Worst-case belief equilibria in first-price auctions. Theoretical Economics, 19(1), 61–93.
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Hudde, A., & Wessel, J. (2024). More afraid of the virus than of bad weather? Exploring the link between weather conditions and cycling volume in German cities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 101, 267–278.
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Klein, G., & Heimeshoff, U. (2024). Brand Strategies: Enhancing Manufacturers’ Bargaining Power in Grocery Retail through Cross-Category Complementarities. Managerial and Decision Economics, 45(4), 2484–2500.
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Sieg, G. (2024). The economic cost of a 130 kph speed limit in Germany: Comment. Ecological Economics, 224.
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Expertise or position statement

Eckstein, L., Federrath, H., Fricke, H., Friedrich, M., Gühnemann, A., Haasis, H.-D., Jahn, C., Jipp, M., Kliewer, N., Knauff, M., Knorr, A., Martin, U., Mitusch, K., Oeter, S., Petzoldt, T., Siedentop, S., Sieg, G., & Vortisch, P. (2024). Deutschlandticket — Weichenstellung für einen dauerhaften Erfolg.
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Eckstein, L., Federrath, H., Fricke, H., Friedrich, M., Gühnemann, A., Haasis, H.-D., Jahn, C., Jipp, M., Kliewer, N., Knauff, M., Knorr, A., Martin, U., Mitusch, K., Oeter, S., Petzoldt, T., Siedentop, S., Sieg, G., & Vortisch, P. (2024). Klimawirksamkeit des Luftverkehrs — Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Kondensstreifen.
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