Energieeffizienz im mittelständischen Einezelhandel - Kennzahlen und Einsparpotenziale in ausgewählten Einzelhandelsbranchen
Hohnhold, Kai
The ambitious climate protection targets of the German Federal Government regarding to the reduction of CO2 emissions can only be reached by an increase of the energy efficiency. However, to be able to effect an improvement in this subject, it is necessary to detect and analyze the current situation in order to identify and quantify potential savings in a next step. Hence, the goals of this study are to calculate performance indicators for medium-sized retailers, to uncover patterns of consumption and to identify potential savings. For this purpose 172 energy consulting reports from five different retail industries are evaluated. These include pharmacies, electronic retailing, food retailing, furniture retailing as well as fashion and sporting goods retailing. In the investigation consumption structures are revealed and the current situation is seized. Furthermore it can be determined that in all investigated retail industries energy saving potentials as well as possibilities for the reduction of the energy cost load of the retailers are present and in which these are to be found.
energy efficiency