Please fill out the forms legibly. It is also possible to fill in the forms directly in the PDF file. To do this, download the PDF file and save it locally.
Please follow the instructions for submitting applications.
Withdrawal from examinations for a valid reason, registration and deregistration for examinations by form
Withdrawal after the end of the deregistration period:
Sample certificate of examination incapacity (If you would like to extend the processing time for your thesis, please also submit the corresponding application (see below))
Registration and deregistration by form is only possible during the published registration periods. Please primarily use the online registration and deregistration functions of FlexNow and QISPOS. Alternatively, you can also send the following forms for registration and deregistration by e-mail:
Registration for exams Bachelor BA, Ec, IS
Registration for exams Master BA, Ec, IS, BD
Withdrawal from examination registrations (Deregistration within the deadline)
Registration for a seminar in the focus area
Recording General Studies / Recording Internship
Examination achievements for General Studies cannot be registered. Please complete the required coursework and submit the proof including the application to us.
Application for the recording of credits in the General Studies module
You cannot register completed internships. Please use the following form to make the recording,
Application for recording an internship
Recognition of examination results, placement in a higher semester
Antrag auf Anerkennung von Leistungen (nicht für Leistungen aus einem Auslandssemester)
Antrag auf Anerkennung von Leistungen aus dem Auslandssemester
Hinweise zur Anerkennung aus dem Auslandssemester
Final theses
You can register your thesis directly via FlexNow. Alternatively, you can also register your thesis by email or in person using the following form:
Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Business Development
Registration is only possible via form (by e-mail or in person):
Wirtschaft und Recht, Politik und Wirtschaft, Politik und Recht, Ökonomik, Wirtschaftslehre/Politik
Registration for the Bachelor thesis - Notes on the procedure
Wirtschaft & Recht und Politik & Recht - Bereich Rechtswissenschaften
Proof of achievement Seminar paper in the field of law / Bachelor thesis in the field of law
All degree programs
Leitkarte Bachelor (neu) - Instructions for completing the form
Request to change thesis supervisor
Request for extension of the processing time of the final thesis
Antrag studienbegleitende Arbeit (nur B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Declaration of consent to use plagiarism software
Declaration in lieu of an oath
Legal information on the declaration in lieu of an oath
Final documents
Powers of attorney
Change of examination regulations
Wechsel der Prüfungsordnung im Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre inkl. Anhang
Wechsel der Prüfungsordnung im Bachelorstudiengang Volkswirtschaftslehre inkl. Anhang
Wechsel der Prüfungsordnung im Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik inkl. Anhang
Wechsel der Prüfungsordnung (interdisziplinäre und Masterstudiengänge)
Deselection of compulsory elective module, change of study profile, change of entry
Application to deselect a compulsory elective / specialization module
Application to change the minor in the Master's degree program in Business Administration