Lecture Bachelor: Principles of Entrepreneurship


Principles of Entrepreneurship (PoE) will take place in the first term of SoSe 2024

Lecture: Thursdays 8-12 am, room Schlossplatz 46 - H 3 (first lecture on 11.4.)

Tutorial:  Tuesdays 14-16 h, (Start mid-April, check the Learnweb for detailed information)

PO 2018: The course counts for the module "Selected Chapters of Business Administration" in SoSe 2024. Exceptionally, the course can also be taken if another course (only one!) has already been chosen in the past as part of the module "Selected Chapters of Business Administration".

PO2022: Modulnummer TRB 16

In addition, the course can also be taken as part of the "General Studies". The registration for the course is done regularly via FlexNow. A separate registration via our chair or similar is not necessary. 


Please enroll in the Learnweb course "PRINCIPLES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP SOSE 2024, DAVID BENDIG" to receive all the latest news. The course will be opened in the first lecture.

Language English
Credit Points 6

This module provides an introduction to entrepreneurship. The learning content includes the basics of entrepreneurship with regard to entrepreneurial decisions, the creation of business models and the recognition of opportunities and risks. Students learn how to think and act entrepreneurially in order to successfully implement ideas and innovation processes. In addition, students learn what sources of financing are available and what methods they can use to evaluate young companies. In addition, students learn what financial sources are available and what methods they can use to evaluate young companies.

Professional skills

The students

  • develop a deep understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset
  • understand how to deal with opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial activities
  • develop an understanding of the innovation process and understand the relevance of customer needs for the development of new products
  • get an overview of possible sources of financing for start-ups
  • learn how to apply different methods for the evaluation of young companies
Examination  Exam
Attendance Attendance is strongly recommended to enhance learning.

Institut für Entrepreneurship