Performance Management and Strategy Execution (Winter Term 2021/22)
This course will be taught in-person and will take place in the classrooms noted below. Due to the ongoing construction work in the lower floors of the Juridicum, lecture halls may change as the term progresses. Further, a change in regulatory requirements put forth by the state of NRW may lead to changes in teaching format. Any change will be communicated via Learnweb and this course page as soon as possible.
In line with the University’s and Dean’s requirements, you need to be Covid-vaccinated, -recovered or -tested (3G) for attending the lectures and tutorial sessions of this course, which will be checked before each class. There will be no recordings of lectures/tutorial sessions.
Please note: The first lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 in room J490 (no lecture on Tuesday, October 12). Access to the Learnweb course is available upon request.
For any further questions, please contact Hannes Doering via email.Course Description
Many strategic initiatives are well elaborated on paper but do not survive contact with reality, and thus, implementing a strategy by aligning managers and employees in the organization remains a key challenge for businesses. Alignment problems get especially severe if individual objectives of employees differ from those of company owners or upper-level managers. This module covers different tools which help to get “all minds in the game”, and thus, continues and extends the behavioral control aspects of management accounting which are covered in the module Strategic Management Accounting. Relevant questions include the role of control systems in firms, how to (ideally) design incentive structures, the delegation of decision rights, performance measurement and performance management practices, as well as the role of corporate culture for managerial alignment.
The course relies on (micro) economic theory, empirical evidence, case studies, exercises, and a very interactive teaching style. The objective of this course is to enable students to understand how management control problems in firms can be addressed and to generate awareness for the economic trade-offs underlying managerial incentive design choices and organizational design. For further information, please refer to the current module compendium.Course Schedule
Tuesday | 10:00 - 12:00 | Lecture/Exercise | Weekly | 19.10. - 14.12.21 | J498/F4 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 12:00 | Lecture/Exercise | Weekly | 13.10. - 15.12.21 | J490/J2 |
Prof. Dr. Martin Artz (responsible)
Hannes Doering (accompanying)