Our Institute of Management Accounting and Control combines scientific excellence and practice-orientation at one of Germany's most renowned universities for business administration research and teaching. In this section we provide you with an overview of possible areas of cooperation and additional offers for decision-makers from corporate practice.
Areas of cooperation
Are you interested in one of the following or other areas? Contact us and feel free to share your own ideas (mac@wiwi.uni-muenster.de).
- Research. We bring scientifically based and innovative frameworks and insights to your company. You will have the opportunity to work with us on your own topics or to support ongoing research projects of the institute.
- Recruiting. You would like to advertise open positions at your company? We publish job advertisements from our partners on an ongoing basis. Current advertisements for students and graduates can be found here.
- Training in your company. We provide you with the current state of the art on central topics and trends in the area of management accounting, for example in the form of keynotes, lectures or in-house seminars.
- Post-graduate education at the University of Münster. We teach at the Centrum für Unternehmensrechnung (CUR) in the Executive MBA Accounting & Controlling, Executive MBA Business Management, and MBA in Management and Innovation.
- Participation in teaching. Practitioners are involved in our university teaching as part of or in the form of own our courses and seminars. You can find courses and seminars offered by our partners here. Examples of cooperations with practice partners in the form of guest lectures and joint seminars can be found here.
- Promoting teaching. Support innovative teaching formats and methods, such as the renowned international John Molson Case Competition.
Further Initiatives
- Transformation of research results into practice. We transform results from our empirical research into specific recommendations for action for decision-makers in practice. You can find them in our section on practice-oriented publications.
- Target achievement in firms. How close did you come to reaching your targets set for the last weeks and months? Are your teams on schedule for reaching their targets? Which departments have problems and why? All these and many more questions can be answered with our venture Zielnavigator.com.
- Institute of Certified Public and Management Accountants. We are engaged in AICPA & CIMA, which foster the education and qualification in management and financial accounting of their members.