Luis Karl Berger

ifk semester lectures 2023

Dealing with the topic „Künstliche Intelligenz in Kreditinstituten“, the ifk semester lectures will take place on the 8th of May (Schlossplatz 2, 48149 Münster). We are glad to present you a highly interesting program and invite you to participate in the conference and join our discussions.

Please register via this link.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this event!

Read more about ifk semester lectures 2023
Philipp Klein

Financial Intermediation II is maintained and becomes "Advanced Finance on specific topics".

The module "Financial Intermediation II" will remain part of the FCM curriculum in the upcoming summer semester. It will be offered as usual in the 2nd term of the semester. For all Master students of the new examination regulations PO 2022 in the Business Administration Master, you will now find the module as FCM-13 "Advanced Finance on specific topics I" or FCM-14 "Advanced Finance on specific topics II". For all examination regulations PO 2020 students, it will remain the module FCM-08 "Financial Intermediation II". We look forward to your participation!

Read more about Financial Intermediation II is maintained and becomes "Advanced Finance on specific topics".
Philipp Klein

How banks can be empowered to finance social transformation

Billions are needed for investments in electromobility, in the sustainability of production processes, in more environmentally friendly heating systems and much more. Banks cannot handle these financing needs on their own, cannot bear the complete risk, or would require an unrealistic amount of additional equity in addition to significant liquidity. In our project report (Forschungsgutachten), we show how covered bonds, e.g. the Pfandbrief, and securitization can help to actively manage liquidity, credit risk, and equity in this situation.

Our study was funded by the Stiftungsprojekts Kapitalmarktunion, with the True Sale International as the business agent for the three foundations.

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Read more about How banks can be empowered to finance social transformation
Steffen Vollmar

Registration Inspection of Exams Chair of Banking (IFK)

Dear students,

the inspection of the exams "Financial Intermediation II" and "Rating and Capital Market" of the Chair of Banking for the summer semester 2021 will take place on will take place on October 13th, 2021 in room ULB201 of the ULB, in the time from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Due to the special situation, this time inspection is only possible with prior registration!

Read more about Registration Inspection of Exams Chair of Banking (IFK)