Seminar Master (CfM11): Management and Methods
Format | The Management and Methods Seminar provides students with an introduction to the empirical analysis of economic data sets regarding current topics in management research. Please refer to the following document for detailed information on the seminar: Management and Methods Seminar |
Language | German or English |
Credit points | 12 |
Content |
Objective of the module/integration into the curriculum: In order to incorporate the latest research findings into their studies, students analyze current data sets in the seminar of the Management major using empirical and methodological techniques. While broad knowledge is imparted in the previous lectures, this course prepares students to generate and investigate concrete research questions. Teaching contents of the module: In this module, depending on the chosen seminar, students will work on current issues from the areas of "Organization and Human Resources", "Strategic Management and Business Creation", "Corporate Management" or "Entrepreneurship" in an individually written paper. The results are presented and defended by the students in plenary sessions. The students organize themselves to discuss and exchange their research results. The topics originate from the overarching research area of the respective fields and address current business management problems and phenomena. Recent research findings are thus integrated into teaching and discussed at length. Students' own empirical or theoretical-methodological analyses and the inclusion of international aspects are consistently encouraged. The overarching aim of the respective seminars is to combine theoretical concepts with practice-oriented applications and to lay the foundations for independent academic work. |
Subject-related skills |
Professional skills: Students are able to prepare an independent scientific paper and defend it in a critical scientific discussion. They are able to select and evaluate research literature, develop argumentation structures and apply qualitative or quantitative-empirical methods to specific research questions. Key qualifications: Students learn to work productively together in a team and to present and defend self-developed content and use feedback to improve their research approaches and results. Communication and rhetoric skills are particularly important as key skills. |
Examinations | Seminar paper, presentation and do-file (STATA) |
Attendance | Attendance is highly recommended to improve learning success. |
Other | Students are expected to work in teams of 4 on the examination papers. |
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