
New article published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

Jin Shi, Prof. Dr. David Bendig from the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Horst Christian Vollmar from the Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine, Ruhr University Bochum, and Prof. Dr. Peter Rasche from the Department of Healthcare, University of Applied Science - Hochschule Niederrhein recently published their article “Mapping the Bibliometrics Landscape of AI in Medicine: Methodological Study” in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (impact factor: 7.4).

The paper provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of AI-related medical publications from 2000 to 2022 using PubMed data. The evolution of AI in medical studies is marked by an increasing volume of publications, with machine learning, notably deep learning, at its core. As the paper predicts, future AI research in medicine will likely emphasize medical diagnosis, robotic intervention, and disease management, driven by advances in predictive algorithms and imaging analysis. Topic modeling analyses have highlighted these trends, indicating a continuous influence of the learning domain in shaping AI's role in medicine. Additionally, the growing field of AI ethics and philosophy is emerging as an essential area of focus.

The authors extend their gratitude for the generous support of the University of Münster's open access publication fund.

The full text of the study can be view at: https://doi.org/10.2196/45815