
An unexpected guest: Rebecca Kazav shares her first-hand experiences on the turnaround at MUSTANG Jeans

Rebecca Kazav as a guest at the Chair of Management Accounting & Control

A collective gasp went through the crowd of participants last Wednesday when Prof. Artz answered his rhetorical question, how the discussed case study actually unravelled, by stating: "Well, let's just ask Rebecca."

Until then, Rebecca Kazav, Chief Sales Officer at MUSTANG Jeans, had sat quietly and unrecognized in the last row of the lecture room and had closely followed the discussion on the case study in which she held the leading role. Now it was her turn to share her first-hand experience from that time when MUSTANG Jeans was managing its turnaround after years of losses. She provided insights on her role in restructuring sales incentives, underscored some theoretical arguments with practical insights and in depths answered all questions that arose.

We would like to thank Rebecca Kazav for visiting our Chair and sharing her insights in our lecture and we would also thank all participants of the course for the vivid discussion!