Prerequisites and Applications
Prerequisites for an application
Prospective applicants for the Major or Minor in Finance can find all relevant information for the application process on the Informationsseite of the School of Business and Economics. If you have any questions related to the application process, please contact our Studienkoordinatoren .
Academic Requirements
If you are going to start a Master’s program with Major or Minor Finance at our university, we expect a certain level of prior knowledge on financial topics. This prior knowledge should be equivalent to business and/or economics undergraduate studies with a focus on Finance courses. For example, should you have completed your undergraduate studies in Münster, it might be beneficial if you attendend the course “Specialization in Finance”.
To give you a rough example of the expected level of knowledge, we have compiled a collection of central topics in the following, which should be familiar to you. Furthermore, for each of these topics we have given some example references in literature. You should have worked with at least one of these books (or an appropriate equivalent) during your undergraduate studies. Therefore, we expect knowledge from the mentioned chapters either from your previous academic studies or from self-studies.
During the course “Introduction to Advanced Finance” in your first semester, we will recap some of the information to ensure an appropriate level of knowledge in these (at times rather complex) topics, which will be the foundation for your further studies. However, the tempo of this course will be much higher than that of a course during your undergraduate studies, where you (may) have encountered these topics in the first place. Since the course “Introduction to Advanced Finance”, like most other courses during your studies at the Finance Center, is held entirely in English, advanced knowledge of the English language is required.
Basics of Finance:
- (Bodie/Kane/Marcus: Chapter 1-4) Portfoliotheorie
- (Bodie/Kane/Marcus: Chapter 6-7) Capital Asset Pricing Model
- (Bodie/Kane/Marcus: Chapter 9, 11, 13) Corporate Finance: Kapitalkosten; Kapitalstruktur; Unternehmensbewertung
- (Brealey/Myers: Part 5) Mathematik/Statistik
- Grundbegriffe der Linearen Algebra (z.B. Matrizen, Vektorrechnung, lineare Gleichungssysteme), Analysis (z.B. Differential- und Integralrechnung) sowie Statistik & Ökonometrie (z.B. Verteilungs- und Dichtefunktionen, Normalverteilung, Erwartungswert und Varianz, lineare Regression)
- Bodie, Z.; Kane, A.; Marcus, A.: Investments, 10th Global Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2014
- Brealey, R.; Myers, S.: Principles of Corporate Finance, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007