Frequently Asked Questions
Structure and Courses of the Master program
Q: How is the Master of Business Administration with the Major Finance structured? Which coureses are offered by the Finance Center?
A: General Information regarding the structure of the program and the offered courses, you can find on the site Studies. If questions about the content of the courses arise, please refer to the respective contact person.
Q: Which courses do I have to take, if i do not elect the Minor Finance? How is the Minor structured in this case?
A: You find information on the sites of the respective centers under the following links:
- Accounting Center Münster (ACM)
- Center for Management (CfM)
- Department of Information Systems
- Economics
- Marketing Center Münster (MCM)
Q: Which seminars does the Finance Center offer and how can I apply?
A: You can find information about the seminars offered, the respective contact persons as well as the deadline and the application on the site Seminars.
Semester abroad
Q: What are the opportunities for a semester abroad during the Master? What are the partner universities of the faculty of business administration?
A: The International Relations Center (IRC) is responsible for the organization of semesters abroad for the whole faculty of business administration. You can find all relevant deadlines on the site of the IRC.
Q: I would like to get accreditation for a course in my semester abroad. How do I procede?
A: You can find information regarding the accredication of courses on the site Auslandsanrechnungen, at the International Relations Center (IRC) and at the Prüfungsamt.
Q: Who can answer my questions regarding my master thesis at the Finance Center?
A: You can find general information about the contact persons at the chairs on the site Abschlussarbeiten. Furthermore, the Finance Center offers regular Infoveranstaltung zu Abschlussarbeiten.
Q: Where do I get information about the dates and the application to exams?
A: You can find the exam periods for the upcoming semesters under Termine. The exact dates for every exam as well as the rooms are published by the examination office under Aktuelles. You apply for the exams via FlexNow. Further information regarding the application is listed at the Prüfungsamt.