Artificial intelligence in management research: New article published
Prof. Dr. David Bendig (l.) und Antonio Bräunche (r.) of the Institute for Entrepreneurship of the University of Münster
Prof. Dr. David Bendig and Antonio Bräunche from the Institute for Entrepreneurship recently published their article "The role of artificial intelligence algorithms in information systems research: a conceptual overview and avenues for research" in the Management Review Quarterly.
The key findings of the study are:
- Rising AI usage: The use of AI in scientific publications and the relative share of articles leveraging deep learning (DL) and explainable AI (xAI) have significantly increased in the past years.
- High AI exposure in marketing and sales-related studies: The use of AI in information systems research falls into distinct topic clusters, with a strong focus on marketing and sales. This is based on many e-commerce use cases, for example, the AI-driven analyses of customer reviews.
- Generative AI not yet as present as expected: Despite the recent breakthrough of large language models and the prominence of ChatGPT, generative AI is yet underrepresented in management research.
- Many opportunities for research avenues: Next to generative AI, computer vision algorithms are rarely used. However, due to their ability to analyze image content, they have a large potential for management research use cases. Likewise, semi-supervised learning and reinforcement learning algorithms occur seldom despite allowing sophisticated analyses without requiring fully labeled datasets.
The study is available here.