Lecture Master (CfM14): Technology and Innovation Strategy


Lecture: Technology and Innovation Strategy (30 hours | 2 SWS)
Tuesdays, 12.00 to 16.00 in the 1st term

Tutorial: Tutorial Technology and Innovation Strategy (30 hours | 2 SWS)
Wednesdays, 14.00 to 16.00 in the 1st term

The lecture and tutorials in the winter semester 2024/2025 will be held IN PRESENCE. 
The course takes place only in the first term (from 08.10. to 20.11.) and concludes with an exam in the early exam period.

Please enroll in the Learnweb course "TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION STRATEGY WISE 2024/25, DAVID BENDIG" to receive all the latest news. Enrollment is initially without a password. 

Course in LSF

Course in Learnweb

Language English
Credit points 6
Content The lecture holistically captures the innovation process and related technology management aspects in multinational companies. The lecture focuses on each step within the innovation process and highlights how the respective step can be managed. In this vein, the lecture sheds light on strategic rationales, behavioral issues, organizational culture influences, and leadership orientation with regard to technological trajectories and innovation management. The module puts an emphasis on firms that act in turbulent environments. In addition, the lecture will cover current trends in technology and innovation management. Guest lectures underscore the practical relevance of this lecture to the students.
Professional competences The students
  • develop a profound understanding of opportunities and challenges concerning technology and innovation, management in multinational companies,
  • understand how to manage an innovation and a technology among the different stages of the innovation process,
  • acquire the capability to identify evolutionary patterns of technology-driven developments and customer-driven innovations,
  • comprehend the relevance of customer needs for new product development,
  • develop an understanding about how ideas can be protected and marketed.
Examination 120 minutes of written exam (100%)
Attendance Attendance is highly recommended to improve learning success.

Please note the following guidance by the Examination Office:

  • If you are studying according to the old examination regulation (before 2020), you cannot take the module CfM14.
  • If you are studying according to the new examination regulation (2020), you cannot take the module CfM14 if the alternative module CfM02 has already been taken. In this case you can take the module on a voluntary basis which will not be counted towards your degree.
  • You can request a change in the examination regulation at the Examination Office. By changing the regulation, modules already taken will not be eliminated.

Moritz Sickert
