Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Organisation, Personal und Innovation
Universitätsstr. 14-16
Universitätsstr. 14-16
Griep, Y., Cooper, C., Robinson, S., Rousseau, D. M., Hansen, S. D., Tomprou, M., Conway, N., Briner, R., Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.-M., Horgan, R., Lub, X., de Jong, J., Kraak, J. M., O’Donohue, W., Jones, S. K., Vantilborgh, T., Yang, Y., Cassar, V., Akkermans, J., Jepsen, D., Woodrow, C., de Jong, S., Sherman, U., Bezzina, F., Erdem, C., Nienaber, A.-M., Romeike, P., Bankins, S., Bal, P. M., Wiechers, H., Pezer, L., Achnak, S., & Linde, B. J. (2019). Psychological contracts: back to the future. In Griep, Y., & Cooper, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work (pp. 397–414). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Nienaber, A., Holtgrave, M., & Romeike, P. (2017). Trust in Teams: A Review across Levels. Poster session presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta (GA), USA. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Romeike, P., Fleschhut, M., Nienaber, A., & Schewe, G. (2017). Development and validation of the Legitimate Monitoring and Control Questionnaire (LMCQ). European Management Journal, 35(1), 46–59.
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Romeike, P., Wohlers, C., Hertel, G., & Schewe, G. (2016). New Ways of Working: Chances and Challenges for Trust-Enhancing Leadership. In Blöbaum, B. (Ed.), Trust and Communication in a Digitized World — Models and Concepts of Trust Research (1., pp. 161–176). Progress in IS. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer-Verlag.
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Romeike, P., Nienaber, A., & Schewe, G. (2016). How Differences in Perceptions of Own and Team Performance Impact Trust and Job Satisfaction in Virtual Teams. Human Performance, 29(4), 291–309.
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Nienaber, A., Romeike, P., Searle, R., & Schewe, G. (2015). A qualitative meta-analysis of trust in supervisor-subordinate relationships. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(5), 507–534.
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