Theses for Bachelor and Master Students and Seminar Papers
The Chair of Monetary Economics supervises theses for Bachelor and Master students on a topic related to monetary policy and financial markets. We welcome your personal suggestions on specific topics for the thesis.
A prerequisite for writing a Bachelor’s thesis is the successful passing of an elective seminar module in Economics.
The Master’s thesis is typically linked to the seminar paper written as part of the project studies.
Please inform yourself about the admission requirements, processing time or the processing period in the relevant Examinations Regulations and and on the websites of the examination office.
Guidelines for Theses and Seminar Papers
Document length
- Seminar paper: ca. 15 pages
- Project course paper: ca. 20 pages
- Bachelor-thesis: ca. 30 pages
- Master-thesis: ca. 50 pages
The page count refers to the main body of your paper and includes all figures and tables therein. It does not include the cover sheet, the table of content, the table of figures, the bibliography or any appendices (and all the figures and tables therein) as well as the affidavit.
Page layout
- DIN-A4 with adequate page margins
- Line spacing: one and a half spacing for regular text, single spacing for footnotes
- Font size: 11pt for typical fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial
- Alignment: Justified
Information about the submission of the bachelor thesis and downloads
Structure of the theses: Please find all relevant information regarding the structure of your Bachelor thesis in the Format template for Bachelor-theses below. In addition, information regarding the structure of your seminar paper can be found in the Format template for seminar papers. This can also be used as a template for your Master thesis.
The final theses must be submitted to the examiner in due time. Late submission will result in a grade of "not sufficient" (5.0). The thesis has to be handed in completely, especially including the declaration in lieu of an oath and the declaration of consent for the plagiarism check (both included at the end of the thesis).
Theses must be submitted digitally only (with the exception of Bachelor's theses for examiners in law and political science). Please use the Thesis Uploader for this purpose. Find the link for more information here.
If you conduct computer-based statistical analyses (e.g., using R, Python, or Stata), you must provide your code and used data along with the digital submission of your paper/thesis. Please comment your code and the process of your analysis in detail. If the code is not handed in at the same time as your paper/thesis, the latter will be evaluated as “Not submitted”.
- Format template for Bachelor-theses: Download
- Format template for seminar papers: Download
- Declaration in lieu of an oath: Download
- Plagiarism check consent form: Download
- Title page English Download
If you are interested in writing a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis or if you have further questions, please contact our research assistants. We offer the following topics:
- "Monetary Theory and Policy" and "Financial Markets", Supervisor: Lars Kranzmann and Niklas Humann.
For further topics, please contact Professor Bohl