Final Thesis
Please inform yourself about the admission requirements, processing time or the processing period in the relevant
Thesis Registration:
B.Sc. Business Administration, B.Sc. Economics, M.Sc. Business Administration and M.Sc. Economics
Anmeldezeiträume Picking up the thesis topic Registraion Dates 1. Quarter of the year (01.01 - 31.03.) 01.08. - 30.10. (before picking up the thesis topic) 2. Quarter of the year (01.04. - 30.06.) 01.11. - 31.01. (before picking up the thesis topic) 3. Quarter of the year (01.07. - 30.09.) 01.02. - 30.04. (before picking up the thesis topic) 4. Quarter of the year (01.10. - 31.12.) 01.05. - 31.07. (before picking up the thesis topic) Registration is possible online via FlexNow and by form (form in the download area). The time periods for picking up the topic are binding. If you do not pick up your topic within this period, the thesis will be graded as "not sufficient" (5,0).
Topic Issue:
In the quarter in which the topic is issued, please submit the "Leitkarte" (Bachelor or Master) to your examiner. You will then receive the completed "Leitkarte" (topic, start of processing time, legal end of processing time) on the day of the start of processing.
B.Sc. Information Systems and M.Sc. Information Systems
Registration is done via the Electronic Guide Card. You can find a guide to the registration process of the final theses on the homepage of the Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik. The registration does not take place directly via FlexNow.
More information about theses:
Completion of the thesis during the course of study (bachelor's degree programms only)
Students in our Bachelor's degree programmes have the option of a processing period of 12 weeks, provided that the thesis is taken during the course of study. In-progress means that at the time of the topic collection not all other examination and study achievements have been taken and graded. Please put the appropriate cross on the lead card and submit a grade summary (not older than 3 days) as well. The chair will review the application and determine the processing deadline. Submission of the application after picking up the topic is excluded. -
Submission of the thesis
The final theses must be submitted to the examiner in due time. Late submission will result in a grade of "not sufficient" (5.0). The thesis has to be handed in completely, especially including the declaration in lieu of an oath and the declaration of consent for the plagiarism check (both included at the end of the thesis).
Theses must be submitted digitally only (with the exception of Bachelor's theses for examiners in law and political science). Please use the Thesis Uploader for this purpose.
Thesis evaluation
The duration of the evaluation is specified in the respective examination regulations. Please refrain from asking questions before the end of the evaluation period. -
Extension of the processing time (e.g. in case of illness)
The application for an extension of the processing time must be submitted to the examination office at least 5 working days before the end of the processing period, including the proofs. The possibilities of an extension are defined in the respective examination regulations.
The proof for an extension due to illness must be a certificate of incapacity for examination. A certificate of incapacity for work does not meet the requirements for an extension.
Return of the topic
The return of the thesis topic is possible once. Information on the deadlines to be observed can be found in the respective examination regulations.
Inspection of the final thesis report
To view the report of your thesis, please contact your supervising chair. They can provide you with access to the report during the debriefing of your thesis.