definitely finished



Project status definitely finished
Project time 28.04.2010- 31.12.2012
Funding source Wirtschaft
Keywords Liquiditätsrisikomanagement

Bearbeitung von Problemkrediten

Project status definitely finished
Project time 02.05.2011- 31.03.2012
Funding source BAG Bankaktiengesellschaft
Keywords Keditwesen; Problemkredite; Studie

Stakeholder-Management in Sparkassen

Project status definitely finished
Project time 14.10.2009- 31.03.2012
Funding source Other public funder
Keywords Stakeholder; Management; Sparkasse

Abwicklungs- und Sanierungsfälle

Project status definitely finished
Project time 03.11.2010- 31.07.2011
Funding source BAG Bankaktiengesellschaft
Keywords Abwicklungsfälle; Sanierungsfälle

DIA Research Group

Forschungsgruppe des Deutschen Instituts für Altersvorsorge

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2007- 31.12.2010
Funding source Wirtschaft
Keywords Retirement provisions; Behavioral Finance

Prediction Markets

DFG-Projekt LA-1316/3-1: "Experimentelle Studien zum Einfluss individueller Entscheidungsfehler auf Marktgrößen"

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.07.2006- 30.06.2008
Keywords Predicition Markets

Internet economy and hybridity

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2003- 31.12.2007
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01AK704
Keywords Hybrid Systems; Internet economy; Banking; Financial Services

in progress


Bubbles in financial markets

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.01.2020
Keywords Econometrics; time series analysis; speculative bubbles; international fnancial markets

Finest in Finance - Excellence program of the Finance Center Münster

The excellence program Finest in Finance is aimed at outstanding finance students at the University of Münster and is intended to sharpen both the professional and social skills of the selected participants beyond the university's range of courses.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.01.2012
Funding source Commerzbank AG
Keywords Excellence Program; Talent Development; Interaction between Students and Practitioners

Agricultural Commodity Markets

The Chair of Monetary Economics has recently started to focus on price dynamics in agricultural markets. The chair publishes and holds talks to empirical results concerning speculative bubbles, price discovery and the relevance of financial investors in agricultural commodity markets. International cooperations are used to investigate markets that have been neglected in scientific studies, such as European, Brazilian and New Zealand futures markets. Although these markets are relatively young, their importance for producers, processors and financial investors is growing. The specific characteristics of the price dynamics in particular challenge the application of empirical methods. A further core of the research is the transfer of the empirical results to practical use.

Project status in progress
Project time since 30.06.2011
Keywords Agrarrohstoffe; Spekulation; Indexfonds; Spekulative Blasen