Business Administration
The field of business administration is divided into five centres:
Accounting is a key focus of research and study at the University of Münster School of Business and Economics. The school can point to a long tradition and a renowned reputation in this field. With the “Accounting Center Münster” (ACM), the know-how of the affiliated institutions is concentrated in a strong network, and research and teaching in accounting is further strengthened. The ACM considers itself a platform for constructive dialogue between theory and practice. The involved institutions’ research results, which complement one another, ensure that the activities in teaching and further education are up to date. At the same time, they constitute an innovative knowledge base within the chain of research. The institutions cooperating within the ACM strengthen the research and teaching profile of the School of Business and Economics in the field of accounting.
Institute of Management Accounting & Control (Prof. Dr. Artz)
Research Team Berens (Prof. Dr. Berens)
Chair of International Accounting (Prof. Dr. Kajüter)
Institute of Accounting and Auditing (Prof. Dr. Kirsch)
Institute of Accounting and Taxation (Prof. Dr. Watrin) -
The financial market research and teaching of the School of Business and Economics is concentrated in the Finance Center Münster (FCM). There are various cooperations with relevant economists and legal scholars. As regards content, some of the characteristics of the FCM’s work are, among others: the linking of functional issues of financing with institutional aspects of financial service providers; considering in particular behavioural-scientific aspects as defined by Behavioural Finance; analysing the hedging and evaluation of derivatives under model risk; investigating ideal portfolio strategies and their implications for the capital market; and empirically analysing in a theoretically sound manner problems from banking and finance that are relevant to practice. The FCM distinguishes itself by active research with a distinctly international orientation and by the integration of numerous practical contacts. Students are offered a methodically sophisticated and simultaneously application-oriented education which prepares them for a broad range of future occupations and offers them a reliable basis for lifelong learning. In addition to the basic teaching programme, various innovative special events – often held in English – contribute to this.
Chair of Derivatives and Financial Engineering (Prof. Dr. Branger)
Chair of Sustainable Finance (Prof. Dr. Guenster)
Chair of Finance (Prof. Dr. Langer)
Institute of Banking (Prof. Dr. Pfingsten)
Professorship of Finance (Prof. Dr. Schneider) -
In 1999, the Marketing Center Münster (MCM) emerged from the Marketing Institute, the Chair of Distribution and Trade, and the Institute of Plant and System Technologies. The MCM has two primary objectives: on the one hand, it concentrates on expanding and strengthening its leading position in the scientific community through outstanding research. Its publications, for example, are published in leading international journals. On the other hand, the MCM strives to provide students with a practice-oriented and internationally competitive education. The MCM has established a remarkable international exchange programme, continuously increasing the number of students who complement their studies by visiting leading universities in North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe. Professors from abroad visiting the MCM teach in the fields of consumer research, international marketing strategies and sales management.
Institute of Marketing & Media Research (Prof. Dr. Hennig-Thurau)
Chair of Marketing Management (Prof. Dr. Krafft)
Chair of Value-Based Marketing (apl. Prof. Dr. Gensler and Prof. Dr. Wiesel)
Chair of Digital Transformation (Prof. Dr. Hohenberg - Associated member of the MCM) -
The Center for Management (CfM) was founded in 2006. It unites the Institute for Organisational Economics, the Institute of Strategic Management, the Institute of Business Management with the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, the Chair of Business Administration and Organisation, Personnel and Innovation, the Business Management Group and the Chair for Entrepreneurship. The chairs and institutes combine their teaching and research activities under the umbrella of the CfM. Their activities are focused on the triad of strategic orientation, economic incentive structures and organisational behaviour. In particular, research work deals with theoretically reflected empirical investigations of organisational issues and strategic problems. Furthermore, the CfM aims at transforming the results gained theoretically and empirically into concepts that can be applied in practice. Against this backdrop, the CfM cooperates with various institutions and companies in Europe, the USA and in China.
Institute for Organisational Economics (Prof. Dr. Dilger)
Institute of Strategic Management (Prof. Dr. Ehrmann)
Institute of Business Management with the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy (Prof. Dr. Leker)
Chair of Organization, Human Resource Management and Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schewe)
Business Management Group (Prof. Dr. Verena Rieger)
Institute for Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Bendig)
Chair of Transformation of Work (Prof. Dr. Backmann - Associated member of the CfM) -
Business Transformation
The Center for Business Transformation was founded in 2022 and investigates research questions around the radical societal and technological shift. It examines how far-reaching changes affect people, work, organizations, and society. To this end, the center's researchers work closely with companies, policymakers, and academia in Germany and abroad. To address the complexity of the radical change, the center relies on an interdisciplinary approach.
Chair of Transformation of Work (Prof. Dr. Backmann)
Chair of Digital Transformation (Prof. Dr. Hohenberg)