Vortrag: “Risk Managers in Banks”
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Matthias Efing, Associate Professor für Finanzen, HEC Paris, zum Thema “Risk Managers in Banks”: Some bank regulators warn that risk managers (RMs) will collude with banks’ front offices (FOs) and rubberstamp investments if their bonuses depend on the performance of FOs. We show theoretically that positive pay correlation between FOs and RMs can instead be optimal. Based on data for German non-executive bank employees, we show empirically that performance pay is indeed positively correlated between RMs and FOs in practice. These pay correlations tend to be higher in banks with competent directors and in banks with stronger performance during the crisis of 2008, in line with our model predictions.
Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Finance and Insurance Seminars statt. Im Sommersemester 24 wird das Finance and Insurance Seminar in Präsenz durchgeführt. Für Interessenten wird ein Zoom Meeting angeboten. Die Zugangsdaten werden auf Anfrage mitgeteilt. Bitte senden Sie hierfür eine Nachricht bis zum 16.04.2024, 12:00 h an alvia.runge@wiwi.uni-muenster.de.