
Robustness in empirical economic research: how the ITCV analysis can identify potential endogeneity

Prof. Dr. David Bendig (l.) and Dr. Jonathan Hoke (r.) from the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the University of Münster

In a recent study published in Industrial Marketing Management, Prof. Dr. David Bendig and Dr. Jonathan Hoke from the Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University of Münster present the Impact Threshold of a Confounding Variable (ITCV) analysis. This innovative statistical method provides a practical approach to identifying potential endogeneity bias that may arise from omitted variable bias.

ITCV analysis allows researchers to estimate the risk of omitted variable bias and assess the robustness of their results without having to resort directly to complex methods such as instrumental variable analysis. The study explains the theoretical foundations of ITCV and provides practical application notes, making it accessible to a wide audience.

The full text of the study is available here