Lecture Bachelor: Strategy Science - Corporate Strategy and Sustainability


Click here to access the course factbook - this PDF will answer all your questions before the course starts. If your question is not listed, please send us an email and we will update the file.

Strategy Science - Corporate Strategy and Sustainability will take place in the second term of SoSe 2024. The second term runs from 30.05.2024 to 19.07.2024 (duration: 8 weeks). This course was originally called Strategy Science and at the current time can only be found under this name in the module handbook and similar documents.


Thursdays 8 am - 12 am, room F1, Fürstenberghaus Domplatz 20-22

Fridays 8 am - 12 am, room H1, Schlossplatz 46


Fridays 12 am - 14 pm, room H1, Schlossplatz 46 (Exceptions: July/07/2024 will take place in S10, July/28/2024 will take place in the Aula am Aasee).

The course will take place in SoSe 2024 - registration takes place via Learnweb (not yet available). You will receive the password for enrollment in the first lecture. A separate registration via our chair is not necessary. The exam will take place during the regular exam period.

BWL Bachelor: This course is a compulsory subject - only selectable under the new PO.

VWL Bachelor: This course is an optional subject - only selectable under new PO.

Language  English
Credit points 6
Course overview & content

This module provides an introduction to the topic of sustainability in business. Students will learn how to embed sustainability aspects into corporate strategy and how to create and critically evaluate sustainability reports.

Learning content includes:

  • Fundamentals of corporate strategy
  • Elaboration of sustainability in a strategic context
  • Measurement and comparability between companies
  • Sustainability communication to stakeholders - in both private sector and institutional contexts
  • Insights into ESG regulation as well as identification of greenwashing
Professional skills

The students

  • develop a deep understanding of the different aspects of sustainability in a business context
  • understand how to measure with sustainability and the challenges involved
  • learn how to create a carbon footprint
  • learn about the most important regulatory frameworks with regard to sustainability
Examination Written exam, written work, practical exercise.
Attendance Attendance is strongly recommended to enhance learning.

Henry Orth

Julia Katharina Hennes