Arnold, M., Artz, M., & Tafkov, I.
The effect of target transparency on managers’ target setting decisions.
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 112, 101545.
Arnold, M., Artz, M., & Grasser, R. A.
When Do Firms Adjust Bonus Targets Intra-Year? Evidence from Sales Executives’ Targets.
Contemporary Accounting Research, 40(1), 324–355.
Arnold, M., Artz, M., & Tafkov, I.
The Effect of Past Performance and Task Type on Managers’ Target Setting Decisions: An Experimental Investigation.
The Accounting Review, 97(7), 1–22.
Arnold, M., & Artz, M.
The use of a single budget or separate budgets for planning and performance evaluation.
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 73, 50–67.
Arnold, M., & Artz, M.
Target difficulty, target revisions, and firm performance: evidence from business units’ targets.
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 40(1), 61–77.
Homburg, C., Ehm, L., & Artz, M.
Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment.
Journal of Marketing Research, 52(5), 629–641.
Artz, M., Homburg, C., & Rajab, T.
Performance Measurement System Design and Functional Strategic Decision Influence: The Role of Performance Measure Properties.
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37(7), 445–518.
Homburg, C., Artz, M., & Wieseke, J.
Marketing Performance Measurement Systems: Does Comprehensiveness Really Improve Performance?.
Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 56–77.