Legal Notice

Universität Münster
Chair for Transformation of Work
Prof. Dr. Julia Backmann
Schlossplatz 3
48149 Münster

The Chair for Transformation of Work is a part of the University of Münster. The University of Münster is a statutory body and an institution of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is represented by the Rector, Professor Dr. Johannes Wessels.

Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nummer: DE 126118759

Redaktionell verantwortlich gemäß § 10 MDStV

Universität Münster
Chair for Transformation of Work
Prof. Dr. Julia Backmann
Schlossplatz 3
48143 Münster

This imprint applies to information provided on the website of the University of Münster Chair for Transformation of Work , which can be accessed via the URL The information in question bears the copyright sign "© Chair for Transformation of Work". Editorial responsibility for all the other pages on this Internet server rests with the offices, authorities or persons who have set up and published the pages.