
Comment to speed limit CBA

A speed limit for highways is a highly emotional issue in Germany. Economists should contribute methodologically sound facts. In his new commentary, Gernot Sieg considers which aspects of a cost-benefit analysis for a speed limit by Goessling et al (2023) could be improved. The commentary was recently published in the journal Ecological Economics Link to comment.

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ITEA Conference 2024 in Leeds

The annual conference of the International Transport Economics Association (ITEA) took place from July 24-28, 2024 at the University of Leeds, England. The participants of the conference are scientists and specialists in the field of transport economics. Four scientists from the Institute of Transport Economics also took part. Jan Wessel, Sebastian Specht and Marlena Meier presented their research work and received valuable suggestions for future research.

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Prof. Gernot Sieg at the 75th anniversary ceremony of the Board of Academic Advisers at the BMDV

On June 11, the  Board of Academic Advisers at the BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport) celebrated its 75th anniversary with many invited guests in the Erich-Klausener-Saal in Berlin. Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing: "Foresight needs science: Since its foundation 75 years ago, the members of the  Board of Academic Advisers to the Federal Minister for Digital and Transport have been working with great passion, creative drive and conviction when it comes to further developing our mobility." The Chairman of the Advisory Board, Prof. Gernot Sieg, commented: "The  Board of Academic Advisers to the Federal Minister for Digital and Transport is pleased and grateful that its advice is always listened to, that its work is appreciated and that this is being celebrated with a ceremony." After the welcome address by the Federal Minister and the speeches by Parliamentary State Secretary Oliver Luksic and the Chairman of the Advisory Board, Prof. Gernot Sieg, four members of the Advisory Board presented good solutions for transport. In a panel discussion on the topic "Follow the Science: Scientific Policy Advice in Germany" with the Chair of the German Advisory Council on the Environment Prof. Dr. Claudia Hornberg, the President of the Federal Highway Research Institute Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Markus Oeser, the Head of the Road Transport Department at the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport, Ministerial Director Iris Reimold, the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Finance, Prof. Jörg Rocholl, PhD, and member of the Scientific Advisory Board and Head of the Institute of Transport, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Vortisch, the guests were able to gain interesting insights into the various scientific policy advisory institutions and to participate with questions. State Secretary Hartmut Höppner concluded the event with his speech.

Read more about Prof. Gernot Sieg at the 75th anniversary ceremony of the Board of Academic Advisers at the BMDV

Announcement of guest lecture by Mr. Philipp Trierweiler on 03 June (Energie-Control Austria)

Energie-Control Austria

On 03.06.2024, a guest lecture by Mr. Philipp Trierweiler (Energie-Control Austria) on "Incentive regulation in practice: basic features of the regulatory model of Austrian electricity distribution system operators" will take place as part of the lecture Competition and Regulation by Prof. Dr. Gernot Sieg. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

Language of presentation: German

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Announcement of guest lecture by Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kellner (Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia) on 27.05.2024

On 12.12.2023 at 14:15 (room STA1) there will be a guest lecture by Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kellner (Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport North Rhine-Westphalia) on the topic "Airport charges - Insights into the audit practice of an aviation authority" as part of the lecture Advanced Transport Economics. All interested parties are welcome to attend. 

Language of presentation: German



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Announcement of guest lecture by Dr. Tim Reuter (RBB Economics) on March 22, 2024, in Münster

On May 3rd at 9:00 am, Dr. Tim Reuter (RBB Economics) will give a guest lecture on "Platform economics in practice: hotel booking portals and best price clauses" as part of the seminar on platform economics. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Please register at Sekretariat.verkehrswissenschaft@uni-muenster.de.

Language of presentation: German

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Announcement of guest lecture by police chief inspector Miriam Jablonski on March 22, 2024, in Münster

On March 22, 2024, a guest lecture by chief police inspector Miriam Jablonski on "Cycling in Münster:  Setting individual priorities in the context of traffic monitoring" will take place as part of the Research Seminar on Analyzing Bicycle Traffic Data with R by Dr. Jan Wessel. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

Language of presentation: German

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Visit to the Autobahn GmbH in Leverkusen

On March 6, Dr. Till Kösters, Lars Rödermund (Master's student of economics) and Sebastian Specht (doctoral student) were guests at Autobahn GmbH des Bundes in Leverkusen. In addition to an exciting tour of the traffic control center and stimulating discussions, promising traffic data for future research work and thesis topics were collected. We would like to thank you for the friendly welcome and the pleasant exchange.

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