Structure of the Masterprogram
The Masterprogram in Business Administration consists of a Major and a Minor. Finance can be elected as the Major, the Minor or both Major and Minor.
Major & Minor Fiance
If Finance is elected as both Major and Minor, the courses Empirical Lab I and II are mandatory for the Minor. Futhermore, an additional seminar paper has to be submitted. Besides the mandatory courses of the Major, 24 credit points can be achieved in elective courses.
Major Finance
If Finance is elected as Major only, 24 credit points can be achieved in elective courses. The courses of the Minor depend on the respective Minor. You can find an overview of all possible Minors here.
Minor Finance
If Finance is elected in combination with the Major Accounting, Management or Marketing, four courses with 6 credit points each can be elected in the Minor Finance. At least two of them have to be elected from the following courses: Introduction to Advanced Finance, Behavioral Finance, Derivatives I and Financial Intermediation I.
Most of the courses at the Finane Center consist of a lecture and a tutorial of 2 hours each per week of the semester (unless stated otherwise in the Module handbook). However, most of the lectures and tutorials are organised in a term structure which means that the courses take place half a semester with twice the amount of hours per week. The course "Behavioral Finance", for example, would consist of two lectures and two tutorials per week during the course of seven weeks. The exams are spread over the semester accordingly. In the winter semester, the exams of the first term take place before Christmas while the exams from the second term take place in February. Similar rules hold for the summer semester.
Due to the growing international orientation of our students, a large number of courses are offered in English. This applies to most of the courses with an English title in the overview above. Accordingly, also the exams are to be written in English.
You will receive information regarding the course of your studies and various information events during the "orientation week" (usually the first week in the winter semester). Detailed information about all the courses of the Master's degree in Business Administration can be looked up in the Module handbook. Further information about the structure of the degree programme and the offers of the Centers for Accounting, Management and Marketing can be found on the Master's websites of the faculty for Business Administration. Please contact Frederik Middelhoff for questions regarding the Master's programme at the Finance Center Münster.