The Finance Class e.V.
Do you already know the non-profit association The Finance Class e.V. (TFC)? A team of students and alumni of business and economics courses pursues the goal of improving financial education in Germany – especially among the younger generation. To this end, TFC offers classes on practical financial topics such as investing, retirement planning and taxes in cooperation with interested teachers.
TFC originated from the Finest in Finance excellence program of the Finance Center Münster. Nowadays, TFC is not only active in Münster, but also in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Kiel. The team consists of more than 125 students who develop further teaching concepts on financial topics such as payment transactions, insurance and credit. These topics are taught to pupils during classroom visits or project days. TFC places great emphasis on the practical relevance of the topics, so that pupils acquire important financial skills that are often not included in the regular curriculum and that they will need throughout their lives.
If you are interested in having The Finance Class e.V. visit your school or if general questions arise, please feel free to email the members of the association at,,, or More information can be found on TFC's official website or in this presentation (both sources only available in German) – feel free to have a look!