Paula Möldner

Case study with zeb

within the Finest in Finance program

After the trip to Cologne a while ago, the second FiF corporate event of the semester took place right on our doorstep, at the zeb tower in Münster. Following the internal semester kick-off and the welcoming of the new FiF members, the group set off together by bike to the zeb office. After a short introduction to zeb, to the topic of "sustainability", and to the implications of this megatrend for banks, the students started directly into the challenging case work to elaborate new positioning options and strategies for a medium-sized bank in the environment of growing sustainability requirements and customer needs in the financial sector. 

A presentation of the in-house developed "zeb.Taxonomy-Tool", a tool for automating the EU taxonomy audit for banks, rounded off the day - followed by a social get-together with pizza and salads as a finale.

Thank you @zeb for your invitation and these inspiring insights!