
General Remarks

The master’s programme in business administration is a follow-on to a bachelor’s degree course in economic science. It leads to the degree of Master of Science and allows students to specialise in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing. The courses in finance and marketing are conducted entirely in English. Graduates of the programme can proceed to a doctorate or go straight into the world of business.

MA candidates select a major subject and a minor subject. Most of their time and effort are devoted to their major subject, while their minor subject constitutes only a fifth of their programme. Their minor subject may be closely related to their major subject (only accounting, finance and marketing), or it may belong to a completely different field of knowledge. At present minor subjects can be selected from the following list: accounting, finance, marketing, management, economics, information systems, research, Entrepreneurship. For more information about the minor subjects, please click here.


The Structure of the Master’s Programme

Over a period of four semesters, students can earn 120 credit points – 96 for their major subject, and 24 for their minor subject. The 24 points awarded for the minor subjects are earned in the first two semesters. In the third semester students take deepening modules in their emphasis area, and in the fourth semester they spend most of their time working on their MA theses. Detailed information about these matters can be found in the Module Compendium.



The courses on offer in the master’s degree programme in business administration are oriented towards research and at the same time geared to the needs of the job market. Leading figures from international companies offer valuable insights into the practicalities of business life. Business simulation games are used to prepare students for the tasks that one day they will have to handle in international corporations or consulting firms. In situations where commercial and academic interests coincide, MA theses may be written with the aid of business companies. In order to take account of the growing trend towards internationalisation, a considerable number of courses are conducted in English – often by visiting professors from business schools of international renown.

In the third semester students can travel abroad. They can spend an entire semester or part of a semester at a foreign university. Advice and support are provided by the University of Muenster – School of Business and Economics’s International Relations Center (IRC).


Major-Minor Combinations

As major and minor subjects can be combined in many different ways, students have ample opportunities to probe into domains in which they have a particular interest, and they can organise their studies in accordance with their own needs and abilities. At present students can choose from 31 different combinations


For further information about the major subjects, please check the website of the respective center:

Accounting Center Münster
Finance Center Münster
Centrum für Management
Marketing Center Münster



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