
Major Marketing

Marketing Center Münster (MCM)

The MCM is a renowned research establishment with three full professors and over thirty non-professorial academic staff members. MA students whose main area of emphasis is marketing can count on first-rate teaching and research. Courses have a strong practical bias and a markedly international character. They are based on the idea that marketing is market-oriented management.

The MCM turns out all-rounders as well as specialists who will be able to perform executive tasks with a high degree of competence. Both theoretical and practical aspects of marketing are taken into account in courses which reflect the research interests of various institutes. These interests range from direct marketing to digital marketing via services marketing, network marketing, and industrial goods marketing. The MCM’s unique features include its quantitative studies, intense interaction between lecturers and students, and the strongly practical bias of the courses. The latter is reflected in the use of case studies as well as in numerous lectures given by prominent business figures.

The growing trend towards internationalisation is evidenced not only in course content, but also in the fact that a wide range of lectures for students of all semesters are held in English. First-rate foreign scholars are regularly invited to give talks and hold classes at the MCM. There are several exchange programmes, and students are encouraged to broaden their horizon by spending at least one of their four semesters at one of the many prestigious universities with which the MCM has twinning arrangements. These establishments are located both inside and outside Europe.

Talented marketing students receive extra training in the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM). The CEM, which works together with well-known companies, has developed a programme aimed at preparing students for executive tasks in firms that operate on the international stage.

The MCM offers a congenial environment for gifted researchers. MA students are integrated at an early stage into the research programmes of various institutes. This prepares them for the tasks they may have to fulfil later on in various fields of academic activity.

Students who choose to study marketing as a major subject do not need to have any specific previous knowledge in order to take part in MCM courses. The web pages of the Marketing Center Münster (MCM) provide further information about marketing as a major subject and courses which are currently on offer.

Minor subjects:

  • One of the following subdisciplines: Accounting, Finance and Management
  • Research
  • Economics
  • Information Systems

Professors at the MCM:

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau
Prof. Dr.  Manfred Krafft
apl. Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel


Minor Marketing

If you are specialising in accounting, finance or management, you can study marketing as a minor subject. You have to take two compulsory modules (‘Advanced Market Research’ and ‘Marketing Strategy’) and select one out of eight additional modules:

Further details (including information about courses currently on offer) can be found on the web pages of the  Marketing Center Münster (MCM).