Finance and Insurance Seminar mit Prof. Dr. Steven Ongena
Am Dienstag, den 22.10.2024, hält Prof. Dr. Steven Ongena, Universität Zürich, im Rahmen des Finance and Insurance Seminars einen Vortrag zum Thema: Joining Forces: Why Banks Syndicate Credit
"Banks can grant loans to firms bilaterally or in syndicates. We study this choice by combining bilateral loan data with syndicated loan data. We show that loan size alone does not adequately explain syndication. Instead, banks’ ability to manage risks and firm riskiness drive the choice to syndicate. Banks are more likely to syndicate loans if their risk-bearing capacity is low and if screening and monitoring come at a high cost. Syndicated loans are more expensive and more sensitive to loan risk than bilateral loans. Our findings contradict the hypothesis that reputable borrowers graduate to the syndicated loan market."
Das Seminar beginnt um 16:15 h und findet im JUR 253, Universitätsstraße 14-16 statt. Im Wintersemester 2024/2025 wird das Finance and Insurance Seminar in Präsenz durchgeführt. Für Interessenten wird ein Zoom Meeting angeboten. Die Zugangsdaten werden auf Anfrage mitgeteilt. Bitte senden Sie hierfür eine Nachricht bis zum 22.10.2024, 12:00 h an Alvia Runge.