
Gastvortrag von Karsten Kraume (CSO, arvato)

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2018 - 14:00 bis Freitag, 3. Mai 2024 - 17:30, JUR2, Oeconomicum/Juridicum, Universitätsstr. 14-16

Everybody is talking about automation and its potential to transform businesses, create new efficiencies and enhance customer experience. But this is just the start. Over the next decade, it will pave the way for a revolution in service delivery and how customers interact with brands. This shift has already started and businesses need to prepare now, or risk being left behind.

But how can brands keep the ‘human touch’ while seamlessly integrating new technologies like RPA and AI? What impact will they have on customer service in the future and what will Customer Service Centers look like in 2027?

Drawing on Arvato CRM’s experience of designing, delivering and differentiating customer service for some of the world’s most respected brands, its Chief Strategy Officer, Karsten Kraume, will deliver a keynote lecture on “Customer Management in times of automation – how to blend cognitive and human agents to leverage multi-channel marketing excellence”. The lecture will take place Wednesday, 20th June 2018, 2-4 pm at J2.

Karsten will also share some unique insights from Arvato CRM’s most recent research paper:  “Customer Service in 2027: How Automation, RPA and AI will transform the way companies deliver customer service over the next decade”, which will be available to download.