- Veranstaltung zum Thema "Compliance – Aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Gesellschaftsorgane" vom 25. Januar 2016.
- Fireside evening “Risk Culture within the SME sector” on 25th November 2015 (press release - german).
- Workshop Corporate Criminal Law on the topic “Risks and Side Effects of Corporate Punishment” on 17th November 2014. (press release- german).
- Kick-off workshop of the Risk and Compliance Research Centre on 14th February 2014.
Research reports
The (german) research reports of the Risk & Compliance Research Centre owing the ISSN 2196-7652. You are welcome to buy exemplars at a price of EUR 15 - unless not otherwise stated – at the following address:Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Risk & Compliance Research Center
Universitätsstraße 14 - 16
48143 Münster
Tel.: +49 251 83 22831
Fax: +49 251 83 22836
E-Mail: rcrc@wiwi.uni-muenster.de2016
Becker, Stefan/Neyer, Bastian/Schewe, Gerhard/Wilke, Robert
Risikomanagement im Mittelstand: Instrumente des Beschaffungsrisikomanagements2015
Schewe, Gerhard/Neyer, Bastian/Kahlfeldt, Johanna
Risk Management in enterprise networks2014
Schewe, Gerhard/Neyer, Bastian/Maier, Mirko
Compliance in German companies: An analysis of the organizational structureSchewe, Gerhard/Brast, Christoph/Rolf, Johanna
Compliance Management in industrial supply chains2013
Schewe, Gerhard/Hofeditz, Marcel
Compliance offenses in major German enterprisesHofeditz, Marcel/Schewe, Gerhard/Sass, Viktoria
Compliance motivation in purchasing and salesSchewe, Gerhard/Brast, Christoph/Brandt, Kristina
Compliance organisation: an empirical analysisSchewe, Gerhard/Neyer, Bastian/Hofeditz, Marcel
Is risk management efficiently? An analysis of German SMEs