Welcome to the website of the Risk & Compliance Research Center
“Risk management is one of the key corporate issues of the next decade.“
Since 1998, Prof. Dr. Schewe is professor at the Chair of Organization, Human Resource Management and Innovation. His current research focuses on corporate governance, change and process management.
“The legal aspects of Risk and Compliance Management are of great importance for companies.“
Prof. Dr. Saenger, as the director of the Institute of International Economic Law, owns the Departments of Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law and Corporate Law. His research interests are in the fields of German and European corporate and commercial law.
“The control of law enforcement risks can be of existential importance for companies.“
Prof. Dr. Deiters holds the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Commercial Criminal Law and is director of the Institute of Criminal Science. His research focusses on areas of criminal procedure law and commercial criminal law with a special emphasis on corruption law.