Compensation for Disadvantages

Compensation for disadvantages for students with chronic illnesses, disabilities and for pregnant women

The Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia stipulates in § 64 (2) No. 2 that regulations are made for the compensation of disadvantages for students with chronic illnesses and with disabilities. In accordance with the legal requirements, regulations are made for the degree programmes of the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the examination regulations of the respective degree programmes. You can therefore find the legal basis in your corresponding examination regulations. The type of disadvantage compensation is to be determined by the attending doctor (e.g. writing time extension).

Application and deadlines

The application for compensation for a disadvantage can be submitted formlessly to the Examinations Office. The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate (description of the symptoms leading to the impairment; measures to compensate for the impairment). If the certificate shows that an improvement of the symptoms is impossible, the certificate only has to be submitted once during the studies in the chosen degree programme (otherwise with every form). Within the framework of the form, please list the relevant (registered) examinations for which the disadvantage compensation is to apply. There is no entitlement to compensation for disadvantages for examinations that are not listed! The form must be submitted to the Examinations Office at the latest when registering for the examination. Late submitted forms can no longer be considered.

Procedure after approval of the disadvantage compensation

Upon approval of the application, you will be requested to contact the examining chair at least one week before the examination. The responsible member of staff will provide you with information about the examination room and the further conduct of the examination. If you do not contact the chair in time, you will forfeit your entitlement to the disadvantage compensation.

Top athletes

The WWU is a partner university of top-class sport. Therefore, top athletes have the possibility to flexibilise their studies - within the framework of the respective examination regulations - to a certain extent. Please contact us for personal advice.


Counselling on this topic is possible by e-mail, telephone and in our office hours. In addition, you can, of course, use the central counselling services of the WWU.