Dr. Lena Gerling-Wittkamp

Chair of Political Economy

Scharnhorststr. 100
48151 Münster

Room: 125

Phone: +49 251 83-24304
Fax: +49 251 83-28429

Consultation hours:
Winter term 2024/2025: Tuesday, 11:00 to 12:00 a.m.
During term break: no regular office hours.

Important: Please make an appointment via email beforehand, as office hours might be held in-person or via zoom.

  • Research foci

    • Empirical analysis of political transitions
    • Public Choice / Political Economy
    • Economics of Conflict
    • Institutions in autocracies and democracies
    • Empirical Economics
  • Education

    10/2018- 12/2018
    Visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (UK)
    since 07/2018
    PhD (Dr. rer. pol.)
    2013- 2018
    PhD program in Economics, University of Muenster (Germany)
    2012- 2013
    Master's degree program in International Economics and Business (Master of Science), University of Groningen (Netherlands)
    2011- 2013
    Master's degree program in International Economics (Master of Arts), University of Göttingen (Germany)
    09/2010- 01/2011
    International Student in Economics and Politics, University of Florence (Italy)
    2008- 2011
    Bachelor's degree program in European Studies, University of Osnabrück (Germany)
  • Positions

    since 09/2014
    Lecturer in Economics, Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW, Münster
    since 04/2014
    Research and Teaching Assistant at the Chair of Political Economy, University of Münster
  • External functions

    since 2015
    Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association)
    since 2014
    CIW Freundeskreis