Case Study Analysis SS2020



Wochentag, Zeit und Ort
Track 1
Monday, 02.15 pm to 03.45 pm
Room: J372, Juridicum

Track 2
Monday, 04.15 pm to 05.45 pm
Room: J253, Juridicum

Students will consistently participate either in Track 1 or in Track 2.

Application deadline: March 08, 2020 (11.59pm)
Confirmation/rejection date: March 10, 2020

Datum der ersten Veranstaltung


Online Application Tool: Here 

Der Semesterstart für das Sommersemester 2020 wurde auf den 20.04.2020 verschoben. Die Lehrveranstaltungen werden in digitaler Form abgehalten. Nähere Informationen zum Ablauf und zu den neuen Vorlesungsterminen werden in den Learnwebkursen zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen bereitgestellt. In die Learnwebkurse können Sie sich vom 14.04. – 30.04.2020 mit Ihrer ZIV-Kennung einschreiben.

1. Course Overview

This course introduces students to case study analysis with a multi-disciplinary approach. Through intensive analysis and presentations, students will learn to apply their theoretical knowledge to real business situations. The teaching approach applied in this course is based on the Harvard Case Method.

This course also serves as a preparation for participating in an international case competition. Particularly successful students will be invited to represent the University of Münster and the Chair of International Accounting at an international case competition in August/September 2020 or in February/March 2021. 


2. General information

  • Course in Bachelor's Program (PO 2010, Module Schlüsselqualifikation, 2nd year of studies).
  • Course assessment: Regular attendance and active participation, and three group presentations (3 ECTS). To obtain the credit points, all assessments need to be passed.


3. Learning objective, Contents, and Methodology

Learning objective: After completing this course, students will be familiar with the Case Method and will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real business decision problems. Based on the Harvard Case Method, students will interactively learn to read, analyze and discuss case studies in an application-oriented way.

  • Professional skills: Students will get to know various concepts and tools to analyze critical business situations and issues.
  • Social skills: Students will work on various social skills (acting under time pressure, working in teams, defining the personal role, taking on responsibility, handling vague/imperfect results, presenting in English) by evaluating and presenting complex and multilayered problems without sample solution.

Contents and Methodology: The first part of this course mainly contains lectures and discussions in order to provide a basic understanding about case study analysis. In the second part, teams of four students will each analyze two case studies among themselves and present their results in class. The course will finish with a final case competition and an award ceremony to honor the best-performing teams.

As an additional contribution, particularly successful students will be invited to represent the University of Münster and the Chair of International Accounting at an international case competition in August/September 2020 or in February/March 2021. 


4. Application and Registration

  • The number of participants is limited to 40 students (two tracks á 20 students) for didactic reasons.
    • 20 students will be chosen based on their current grade average.
    • 20 students will be chosen by random selection.
    • Waiting List: Another ten students, chosen by random selection.
  • As this course is very interactive and based on the skills of the participants, the teachers would like to get to know the students better prior to the first session. For this reason, the application asks for information on the students’ background.
  • The online application tool for this course is available here. The application deadline will be March 08, 2020 (11.59 pm). We will contact you with a final confirmation or rejection on March 10, 2020.