Business Analysis WS18/19
Thursday, 12h15-13h45
Location: F5
I. General information
- Elective course of the bachelor’s programme (PO 2017, 5th semester)
- This course is part of the module “Advanced Accounting”.
- Examination and credits: Separate final written exam in December 2018 or alternatively in May 2019 (60 min., 3 ECTS (PO 2017))
- Assistant: Tobias Gerwing, MSc; Maximilian Wirth MSc
II. Learning Objectives, Contents and Methodology
This course deals with analysing a firm’s performance and financial position from both an internal and an external perspective. It builds upon intermediate courses of managerial and financial accounting and intends to extend and deepen students’ knowledge in both areas. Moreover, students understand interrelations between both fields and are able to apply the methods learned to real business problems. The course is delivered as a lecture combined with tutorials and a revision course. Background information in form of additional reading material will be provided.
III. Schedule
No. |
Date |
Time |
Venue |
Topic |
1 |
10.10.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
2 |
17.10.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
3 |
18.10.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Lecture |
4 |
24.10.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
5 |
25.10.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Tutorial |
6 |
31.10.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
7 |
07.11.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
8 |
08.11.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Lecture |
9 |
14.11.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Tutorial |
10 |
21.11.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
11 |
22.11.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Tutorial |
12 |
28.11.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Lecture |
13 |
29.12.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Lecture |
14 |
05.12.2018 |
8.30-10.00 |
F5 |
Tutorial |
15 |
06.12.2018 |
12.15-13.45 |
F5 |
Revision course |
IV. Literature
- To illustrate the contents of the course, the annual report of Henkel will be available for download via Lernweb as supplementary class material.
- Busse von Colbe, W./Coenenberg, A.G./Kajüter, P./Linnhoff, U./Pellens, B. (Hrsg.): Betriebswirtschaft für Führungskräfte, 4. Aufl., Stuttgart 2011.
- Cotter, D.: Advanced Financial Reporting, 2012, Chapter 41-43.
- Palepu, K.G./Healy, P.M./Peek, E.: Business Analysis and Valuation, 2nd ed., 2010.
- Accompanying the lectures, a script is provided.
V. Downloads
Class materials for the first lecture can be accessed here (soon) via your user identification allocated by ZIV and the corresponding standard password.
Class materials for subsequent lectures will be available for download on Learnweb.