Fundamental Principles of Investing (BWL I) im WS 15/16


Robert Ullmann

Course ID

No. 042380

General Information

The course is taught entirely in English and is equivalent to “BWL1: Investition” with regard to its contents. The respective tutorial will be integrated into the course. For students intending to earn credits in BWL1, the final exam for BWL1 will contain mutually exclusive examination questions for “BWL1: Investition” (in German) and “Fundamental Principles of Investing” (in English). For other students, a separate final exam on “Fundamental Principles of Investing” is offered.


First term only. A detailed schedule can be found on LearnWeb.

Day of First Lecture




You must register for this course on LearnWeb to gain access to relevant information and lecture slides. Registering on LearnWeb does not commit you in any way to participate in the class; LearnWeb is merely a platform for the exchange of information.