Isabel Ramos is Associate Professor (PhD, Habilitation) at the Department of Information Systems of the University of Minho in Portugal. She has a PhD in Information Technologies and Systems, specialization in Information Systems Engineering and Management, since 2001. Isabel Ramos is Director of the Doctoral Programme in Information Systems and Technologies and President of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems/ Portuguese Chapter of the Association for Information Systems. She is the Secretary of the Technical Committee 8 (Information Systems) of IFIP – International Federation for Information Systems. She was member of the AIS Communications Committee and the AIS LEO award Committee. She was awarded the IFIP Outstanding Service Award and IFIP Silver Core Award. Isabel Ramos coordinated the research group Information Systems and Technologies for the Transformation of Organizations and Society (ISTTOS) from 2008-2015 and the Thematic Research Stream Resilience and Agility of Organizations of the Algoritmi centre of the University of Minho. She advises several fellowships, PhD and Master dissertations in the areas of Knowledge and Innovation Management and IST for Organizational Resilience. She is the principal researcher in several projects in partnership with Portuguese companies and governmental agencies as well as in European funded projects. She is co-author / co-editor of 9 books and more than 120 scientific and technical papers.