Prof. Dr. Anssi Öörni
Åbo Akademi University, Finnland
Datum/Zeitraum des Besuches:
13. November 2016 bis 16. November 2016
Anssi Öörni is professor of information systems at the Åbo Akademi University, Finnland. His current research interests include IT adoption, IT use and the rhythms of the everyday life, adaptive IT use, habitual IT use, and diffusion of IT. Publication venues include European Journal of Information Systems, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, and Information Technology and Tourism.
Professor Dr. Öörni is visiting the Institut for Information Systems, Chair of Prof. Klein, to give a talk at the Lunchtime Seminar on Nov. 15, 2016. He will also give a specialization module on “Online sales of Flight tickets ” (IS Bachelor program).