in progress


Real exchange rate dynamics in the European monetary union

Flexibility of nominal exchange rates can foster adjustment in real exchange rates, but also can be a source of destabilizing shocks. We apply Bayesian methods to investigate how the loss of the nominal exchange rate within the European monetary union affected the temporal dynamics of real exchange rate adjustment in its member countries.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.04.2021
Keywords European monetary union; real exchange rates

The Fed's switch to an explicit inflation target: Communication and policy consequences

We aim to shed light on the important issue of central bank communication in general, and the monetary policy strategy of the Fed in particular. In particular, we apply probabilistic topic models to the Fed's communication with the public to identify the policy priorities expressed in this communication. Specifically, we seek to analyze whether the Fed's adoption of an explicit inflation target in 2012 can be detected in corresponding shifts in the focus of its communication and in adjustments of its monetary policy stance.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.10.2020
Keywords Communication; Monetary policy; European Central Bank; Probabilistic Topic Models

Bubbles in financial markets

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.01.2020
Keywords Econometrics; time series analysis; speculative bubbles; international fnancial markets

Internes Forschungsseminar

Das interne Forschungsseminar (IFS) für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Finance und Ökonometrie strebt die Verbreitung der Forschungskompetenzen innerhalb des Kreises der Mitglieder unserer Fakultät (hauptsächlich Professoren und Post-Docs, aber auch Doktoranden) an. Das grundlegende Prinzip des IFS ist, dass die Präsentation eines Forschungsprojekts und der dazugehörende Gedankenaustausch (über die Ziele, die Methode und die Ergebnisse der Forschung) die Chancen auf eine wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung erhöhen. Um das zu verwirklichen, sollten die Mitglieder der Fakultät sich ihre Forschungsarbeiten gegenseitig vorstellen. Das IFS bietet (jedem oben genannten Mitglied der Fakultät) die Möglichkeit, Entwürfe von Forschungsprojekten, Working Papers oder veröffentlichte Forschungen anderen Mitgliedern der Fakultät zu präsentieren, damit gegenwärtige Forschungsprojekte verbessert werden können oder auch gemeinsame künftige Projekte entstehen.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.01.2017
Keywords Vorträge der Mitglieder der Fakultät

Analyzing Credit Risk Transmission to the Non-Financial Sector in Europe: A Network Approach

A high-dimensional network of European CDS spreads is modeled to assess the transmission of credit risk to the non-financial corporate sector in Europe. We build on a network connectedness approach that uses variance decompositions in vector autoregressions (VARs) to characterize the dependence structure in the panel of CDS spreads. Our main findings suggest a sectoral clustering in the CDS network, where financial institutions are located in the center of the network and non-financial as well as sovereign CDS are grouped around the financial center. We find that financial and sovereign risk are important drivers of corporate credit risk, particularly during crisis events. We identify an increase in the transmission of financial and sovereign credit risk to the non-financial sector during the Global Financial Crisis and the European Debt Crisis. By contrast, we find that the transmission of risk within the non-financial sector remains unaffected by crises.

Project status in progress
Project time since 04.01.2016
Keywords Financial Networks; Credit Risk Transmission; Financial-Real Linkages

Agricultural Commodity Markets

The Chair of Monetary Economics has recently started to focus on price dynamics in agricultural markets. The chair publishes and holds talks to empirical results concerning speculative bubbles, price discovery and the relevance of financial investors in agricultural commodity markets. International cooperations are used to investigate markets that have been neglected in scientific studies, such as European, Brazilian and New Zealand futures markets. Although these markets are relatively young, their importance for producers, processors and financial investors is growing. The specific characteristics of the price dynamics in particular challenge the application of empirical methods. A further core of the research is the transfer of the empirical results to practical use.

Project status in progress
Project time since 30.06.2011
Keywords Agrarrohstoffe; Spekulation; Indexfonds; Spekulative Blasen

definitely finished


The natural interest rate in semi-structural unobserved components models

Our project moves along two different avenues of advancing the frontier of scientific knowledge in estimating the natural rate of interest (NRI). We are going to demonstrate that utilizing cross-sectional data within a structural multiple-indicator unobserved components model leads to a substantial reduction in estimation uncertainty and a dramatic improvement in the precision of estimating the NRI. The second avenue of investigation is concerned with the selection and appropriate econometric modeling of the factors determining the NRI. We develop a Bayesian model selection procedure to determine empirically the time series properties of the NRI. We also propose to combine a Beveridge-Nelson trend-cycle decomposition with a SVAR approach to identify the NRI and its underlying structural determinants.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.07.2020- 30.06.2022
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number KE 2595/1-1
Keywords Internationale Ökonomie; Außenwirtschaft; Geldpolitik; Makroökonomie

Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models: Skewness Matters

DSGE Modelle zu untersuchen bei denen Schiefe nicht nur exogen in der Fehlertermverteilung, sondern auch endogen in den Entscheidungsregeln der Agenten auftritt. Dies wird es ermöglichen, gesamtwirtschaftliche Implikationen von asymmetrischen Produktionsinnovationen, abwärtsgerichteten Lohnrigiditäten und einer kleinen, aber zeitvariablen Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Desaster abzuschätzen und die Übertragungskanäle und Effekte endogener und exogener Schiefe sorgfältig zu entwirren. Da Schiefe eines der wichtigsten Merkmale des ökonomischen Risikos ist, sind die Ergebnisse signifikant für die nächste Generation von DSGE Modellen, um die Lücke zwischen der makroökonomischen und empirischen Finanzliteratur zu verringern.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2019- 31.03.2022
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number MU 4356/1-1
Keywords DSGE; Econometrics

Local labour markets

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.03.2016- 28.02.2019
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number TR 907/3-1
Keywords Disparitäten; Arbeitsmärkte; Ökonometrie; Wirtschaftsstatistik

Market relations of manors in Nordrhine-Westphalia, 1650-1850

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.06.2014- 31.05.2017
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number PF 351/11-1
Keywords Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte; Agrargeschichte; Regionalgeschichte; Frühneuzeitliche Geschichte

ECB banking supervision and beyond

With publication of the results of its Comprehensive Assessment at the end of October 2014, the European Central Bank has set the standard for its new mandate as supervisor. But this was only the beginning. The heavy work started in early November, with the day-to-day supervision of the 120 most significant banks in the eurozone under the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The centralisation of the supervision in the eurozone will pose a number of challenges for the ECB in the coming months and years ahead. This report analyses these challenges in detail, drawing on the discussions and presentations in the CEPS Task Force on ECB Banking Supervision, and reinforced by extensive research undertaken by the rapporteur. José María Roldán, Presidente, Asociación Española de Banca, served as Chairman of the Task Force

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2014- 01.10.2014
Keywords Banking Supervision