Instructions for carrying out exams
Please observe the following information for the execution of your examinations
Inform yourself in good time about the exam date and the corresponding room in which you write the exam.
Please be on time (at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the exam) at the examination room
The binding seating plan is placed in front of the examination room in a clearly visible manner. The seat listed there is to be taken for the exam. An unauthorized change of the assigned seat can be considered an attempt to deceive. If you can not find your seat or it is damaged, please contact the supervisory staff directly.During the exam, only writing instruments and approved aids may be in place.
During the exam, only writing instruments and approved aids may be in place.
Depending on the technical availability, a clock is projected onto a screen, from which you can see the remaining time.
Procedural errors such as persistent noise pollution, excessive temperatures, etc. are to be reported immediately to the supervisor. The supervisors will try within their means to eliminate the interference
In the case of a disease that leads to an examination inability, please note the information on resignation of examination applications after the end of the unsubscribe period.
For the allocation of topics, supervision of the work and the dates for the submission of the work are exclusively the chairs in charge. A valid registration via FlexNow or QISPOS is always necessary.
For replacement appointments that are necessary due to illness or other valid reasons, please contact the chair. Good reasons must always be proven immediately.