Budapest (Hungary), May 10-12, 2007
Frontiers In Central Banking
in Budapest (Hungary), May 10-12, 2007
organized by Pierre L. Siklos (Wilfrid Laurier University),
Martin T. Bohl (University of Münster)
and the National Bank of Hungary
Call for Papers
Please note that the Conference is by invitation only.
Please click here for the detailed "Program"
- Vitor Gaspar, Frank Smets and David Vestin - Why not Price Level Stability?
- Robert Hetzel - Discretion Versus Rules: Lessons from the Volcker-Greenspan Era
- Charles Goodhart, Dimitri Tsomocos - Analysis of Financial Stability
- Alicia Garcia-Herrero - How Should Central Banks Be Designed to Achieve Financial Stability?
- Thomas Willett, Eric Chiu, Sirathon B. J. Dechsakulthorn, Stefanie Walter - Central Bank Independence and Exchange Rate Regimes
- Bernd Hayo, Carsten Hefeker - Does Central Bank Independence Cause Low Inflation? A Sceptical View
- Carin van der Cruijsen, Sylvester Eijffinger - The Economic Impact of Central Bank Transparency: A Survey
- Alex Cukierman - The Limits of Transparency
- Philipp Maier - Monetary Policy Committees in Action: Is There Any Room for Improvement?
- Ifthekar Hasan, Loretta J. Mester - The Role of Corporate Governance in the Effectiveness of Central Banking: Evidence from Developing and Transitional Countries
- David Mayes, Geoffrey Wood - National Central Banks in a Multi-National System
- Gianluca Benigno, Christopher Otrok, Alessandro Rebucci, Eric Young - Alternative Policy Rules in a Model with Endogenous Sudden Stops
Prof. Dr. Martin T. Bohl
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Chair of Monetary Economics
Am Stadtgraben 9
48143 Muenster
Phone: +49 251 83 25 005
Fax: +49 251 83 22 846