PEDD Young Scholar Award

The PEDD Young Scholar Award is endowed with 500€ and is awarded since 2022 to the best paper authored by one or multiple young scholars (pre- or post-doc, no tenured faculty) all under the age of 35 as of September 15 (submission deadline). Papers co-authored with tenured colleagues/supervisors or senior researchers older than 35 are not eligible. The winning paper is selected by the PEDD Paper Selection Committee, whose members evaluate all eligible papers submitted by the full paper deadline.


Past winners of the PEDD Young Scholar Awards:

  • 2024: Sinara Gharibyan (CERGE-EI Prague): "Activated History and Voting. Decoupling Collective and family Remembrance"

  • 2023: Tobias Korn (Leibniz University),  Lukas Wellner & Matthias Quinckhardt: "The consequences of war: Evidence from Germany after World War I"
  • 2022: Leonardo D'Amico (Havard University): "Place based policies with local voting: Lessons from the EU cohesion policy"