PEDD Papers 2023

Note: Access to the papers is restricted to conference participants.

ANTONIS ADAM (University of Ioannina), Thomas Moutos
Do Public Sector Employment Reductions Promote Informality?

THOMAS APOLTE (University of Münster)
To Democratize or not to Democratize? The Sufficient Conditions for Democratization

Toke Aidt, ZAREH ASATRYAN (ZEW Mannheim), Lusine Badalyan
Political Consequences of Consumer Debt Relief

JAN AUERBACH (Brunel University London)
Productive Office and Political Elitism

JEAN-PAUL AZAM (Toulouse School of Economics)
Democracy, Revolution, and the Repression Trap. A "Politics from Below" Approach

ANDREAS BACKHAUS (Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)),Gerrit Meyerheim
The inevitable suicide of Europe’s elites?

MICHAEL BAYERLEIN (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Vanessa A. Boese-Schlosser, Scott Gates, Katrin Kamin, Mansoob Murshed
Autocratic Experiences and COVID-19: How an Autocratic Past Shapes Vaccine Uptake

ANDREA BERNINI (Oxford University ), Cecilia Testa, Giovanni Facchini, Marco Tabellini
Black Empowerment and Whites’ Counter-Mobilization: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act

SABINE CAREY (University of Mannheim), Anita Gohdes, Neil Mitchell
Rulers and their auxiliary forces: Explaining the ability of pro-government militias to bolster leadership survival

FRANCISCA CASTRO (Humboldt University), Dilan Gunes
Can transitional justice improve regime perceptions? Reconciliation processes and their effect on public opinion

GIACOMO DE LUCA (Free University Of Bozen-Bolzano)
Elections for sale? Evidence from Italy

MAXIMILIAN WILHELM DIRKS (RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung ), Torsten Schmidt
The Relationship between Political Instability and Economic Growth in Advanced Economies: Empirical Evidence from a Panel VAR and a Dynamic Panel FE-IV Analysis

MARINA DODLOVA (University of Passau; CESifo)
Development Aid and Political Participation in Malawi

MOHAMMAD REZA FARZANEGAN (Philipps Universität Marburg ), Mohammad Ali Kadivar,
The Effect of Islamic Revolution and War on Income Inequality in Iran

ALFA FARAH (Diponegoro University)
The Persistence of Non-Democratic Legacy

MARIO FERRERO (University of Eastern Piedmont) 
Women, Political Violence, and Economics

Felix Roesel, MONA FOERTSCH (ifo Institute)
Health shocks and political instability – The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and the collapse of Weimar Germany

MARCO FRIGERIO (University of Siena), Nauro Campos, Fabrizio Coricelli
The Political U:New Evidence on Democracy and Income

ATTILA GÁSPÁR (KRTK-KTI; University of Padova), Flóra Drucker
Print It Yourself! - Access to information and electoral outcomes in Hungary

LENA GERLING (University of Münster), Tommy Krieger
Institutional rules and elite power in 19th and early 20th-century Germany: Introducing a new dataset

MARIO GILLI (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Revising the Collective Action Problem in a General Group Contests Model

FILIPPO GIORGINI (University of Milano Bicocca), Mario Gilli
Exercises on Global Games of Policy Change: the role of violence to mobilize a mass public

KLAUS GRÜNDLER (ifo Institute; LMU Munich; University of Konstanz), Lena Dräger, Niklas Potrafke
Political Shocks and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

JERG GUTMANN (Universität Freiburg ), Martin Rode
Are populists constitutionalists? An empirical assessment of populist constitutional compliance

SVEN HARTMANN (Trier University)
Fog or smog? The impact of uncensored reporting on pollution on individuals’ environmental awareness

PHILIPP HEIL (ifo Institute; LMU Munich), Luisa Dörr, Klaus Gründler, Marcel Schlepper, Niklas Potrafke
Economic Voting in Electoral Districts: Evidence from Germany’s 400 Largest Cities

TOBIAS HELLMUNDT (University of Göttingen), Elías Cisneros, Krisztina Kis-Katos
Conflicts of rural transformation: The effects of oil palm expansion in Indonesia

MANFRED HOLLER (University of Hamburg; Center of Conflict Resolution, Munich)
On Democracy in Sophocles’ Antigone and Pericles’ Athens

PATRICK HUFSCHMIDT (Ruhr University Bochum), Chukwuma Ume
Conflicts and Political Intervention: Evidence from the Anti Open Grazing Laws in Nigeria

SIMON HUG (University of Geneva), Sandra Penic

Exposure to violence and social trust in Eurasia

COLIN JENNINGS (King’s College London), Santiago Sanchez-Pages
Rebel financing as a cause of or solution to the commitment problem and civil conflict: An Application to Northern Ireland

LEA KAFTAN (Witten/Herdecke University), Nils Bormann
Political Polarization and Democratic Deconsolidation in Interwar Europe

PANTELIS KAMMAS(Athens University of Economics and Business), Vassilis Sarantides
Democratisation and tax farming in an agrarian economy

KIM LEONIE KELLERMANN (Ruhr University Bochum), Stefanie Gäbler
Administrative areas and regional identity: The case of East Germany

PHILIPP KERLER (University of Zürich)
Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side: How terrorism affects preference for democracy

YULIA KHALIKOVA (University of Hamburg)
How authoritarian courts use international law: Evidence from Russia

ARZU KIBRIS (University of Warwick)
Men made war and war changed men: Identifying the social and political legacy of exposure to political violence

TOBIAS KORN (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Lukas Wellner, Matthias Quinckhardt
The consequences of war: Evidence from Germany after World War I

TIM KRIEGER (University of Freiburg), Luke Barber, Michael Jetter
Religiosity and warfare: Causal evidence from pre-Enlightenment solar eclipses

MICHAEL KURSCHILGEN (UniDistance Suisse), Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Svenja Hippel
Does the threat of overthrow discipline the elites? Evidence from a laboratory experiment

JEAN LACROIX (Universite Paris-Saclay), K. Mitchener, K. Oosterlinck
Secession in Real Time: Evidence from the U.S. Civil War

MAITE LAMERIS (University of Groningen), Juliette de Wit 
National identification and voting behavior 

ETIENNE LE ROSSIGNOL (Namur University), Sara Lowes Ancestral
Livelihoods and Moral Universalism: Evidence from Transhumant Pastoralist Societies

UIH RAN LEE (University of Sussex)
War Deaths and Public War Support: Endogeneity, Temporal Proximity and Civilian Casualties

ALEXANDER LIBMAN (Freie Universität Berlin)
State Violence and Target Group Adaptation: Keeping up with the Joneses in the Face of Repressions in Soviet Russia

GEORGY LUKYANOV (CREST - École Polytechnique), Samuel Safaryan
Polarised Beliefs under Concealed Information

MARIA MARINO (University of Barcelona), Bruni R., Gioffré A.
In-group bias in preferences for redistribution: a survey experiment in Italy

DANIEL MEIERRIEKS (WZB Berlin Social Science Center), Max Schaub
Terrorism and Child Mortality

KATARZYNA METELSKA-SZANIAWSKA (University of Warsaw), Jaroslaw Kantorowicz
Do people value compliance with (constitutional) fiscal rules? Evidence from a conjoint experiment

It’s Simple. Why stability is Bad for the Voters?

WLADISLAW MILL (University of Mannheim)
War time military service increases religiosity

ANIRBAN MITRA (University of Kent)
The Public Provision of Goods in Democracies: Do Age and Inequality matter?

LUKAS MÖLLER (University of Münster)
Euroskepticism and Education: The case of German Turbo-Abitur

LEONARD MÜHLENWEG (University of Münster), Lena Gerling
The Political Economy of Fiscal Rules - Between Deficit and Desinvestment Bias

Florian Neumeier, Jerg Gutmann, MATTHIAS NEUENKIRCH (Universität Trier)
US Sanctions and Trade Flows: An Event Study

MARTIN PALDAM (Aarhus University)
Income, growth and democracy. Looking for bedrock exogeneity

SOPHIE PANEL (Sciences Po Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes), Abel François, Laurent Weill
Dictators’ facial characteristics vary depending on their selection mode

ALOYS PRINZ (University of Münster)
An Ecological Dictatorship to Save the Planet? The Political Economics of Climate Dictatorship and Climate Clubs

VASSILIS SARANTIDES (Athens University of Economics and Business), Luis Sanchez
Subnational democratization and the onset of the Mexican drug war

JONAS WILLIBALD SCHMID (University of Oslo), Jacob Nyrup
There’s no gratitude (in dictatorships). Economic performance and finance minister removal across regime types

OANA SECRIERU (Royal Military College of Canada), Ugurhan Berkok
Do You Have My Back? Extended Deterrence with Uncertain Back-up

PETROS SEKERIS (TBS Business School), Shikha Silwal
Economic Analysis of Violence at Cultural Heritage Sites

STEFAN STOJKOVIC (Witten/Herdecke University)
How does the health of democracy deteriorate? Towards a theory of democratic deconsolidation

JUNZE SUN (European University Institute; University of Palermo)
Elections under Selective Media Exposure

A Theory of Favor Exchange between Politicans and Rich Media Owners

EKATERINA TRAVOVA (University of Copenhagen)
For God, Tsar and Fatherland? The Political Influence of Church

SOFIA TSARSITALIDOU (University of Patras), Michael Chletsos
Does aid harm or benefit? Time heals all wounds.

KERSTIN UNFRIED (Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine), Andreas Kammerlander
Sending peace home?! The effect of political favoritism on conflict

ARMIN VON SCHILLER (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)), Daniel Nowack, Julia Leininger
Dealing with shocks: the role of regime type in mitigating the effect of the Covid-pandemic on social cohesion

TIMO WOCHNER (ifo Institute; LMU Munich), Marcel Schlepper, Niklas Potrafke
Political Leader Selection: A theory and empirical evidence

AE SIL WOO (Gettysburg College)
Bicameralism and Constitutional Amendments in autocracies

NIKITA ZAKHAROV (University of Freiburg), Paul C. Dower
Who Goes to (Proxy) War? The Long Shadow of the USSR Collapse and the Self-Enlisting of Russian Volunteers in the Donbas War

NIKITA ZAKHAROV (University of Freiburg), Koen Schoors, Michael Rochlitz
Can Authoritarian Propaganda Compete with the Opposition on Social Media?