Research foci
- Technology in Corporate Reporting
- Corporate Disclosure Styles
- Applications of Blockchain in Accounting
- Management Reporting
- 2019
- Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol
- 2015- 2019
- Promotionsstudium am Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Internationale Unternehmensrechnung
- 2015
- Graduated as Master of Science in Business Management (University of Münster)
- 2013
- Graduated as Bachelor of Science in Business Management (University of Münster)
- 2009
- Abitur (university entrance qualification) - Burggymnasium Altena
- since 2022
- Dozent an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- since 2020
- Vorstandsassistent bei der LVM Versicherung, Münster
- since 2017
- Dozent an der Industrie und Handelskammer (IHK) Nord Westfalen
- 2017- 2019
- Dozent an der Accounting School Bochum Münster (ASBM)
- 2016- 2019
- Dozent an der European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) Berlin, Campus Schloss Gracht
- 2015- 2020
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Internationale Unternehmensrechnung
External functions
- since 2020
- Vorsitzender des Beirates des University of Münster Case Club
- 08/2016- 2020
- Co-Founder of University of Münster Case Club