Business Skills - "Business Simulation TOPSIM" (english) WS2016/17
Wochentag, Zeit und Ort
Wed. 19.10.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 26.10.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 02.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 09.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 23.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 26.10.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 02.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 09.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
Wed. 23.11.16, 18h - 20h, ULB 101
1. General information
- Course in Bachelor's Program (PO 2010, Module Business Skills (“Schlüsselqualifikationen”), 2nd year of studies)
- Course assessment: Regular attendance and active participation, 3 CP
2. Learning objective and Contents
- Learning objective: It is the objective of this course to impart students business knowledge, strategic thinking, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
- Contents:
Business knowledge: Students will learn to recognize and analyse complex interrelations and to derive according decisions.
Strategic thinking: Students will work on their strategic thinking by forward-looking planning, solving complex issues and developing suitable strategies.
Teamwork and interpersonal skills: Students will improve their soft skills by group discussions, collective decision making and defining their personal role.
About the business simulation TOPSIM:
- TOPSIM raises entrepreneurial spirit and allows students to experience exciting management issues. TOPSIM is a complex business simulation that incorporates the management of all divisions and operations. Students have to make real decisions, e.g. in the areas of research & development, marketing, production, human resources, controlling and finance. They will apply and intensify the business knowledge from their studies and gain insights how to use management tools. Participants will learn to base their goal-oriented decisions on their knowledge. This enables a transfer of knowledge to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner. It is the objective of the simulation to align the products and services with regard to market needs.
- TOPSIM is a team-training. Up to five participants are responsible for one company and manage its business divisions and operations analogous to real management issues. It is the aim of the business simulation to maximize profit in sequent periods based on prudent management decisions. Each TOPSIM-company has to offer its products and services in a market competing with the other teams. The decisions of the other teams influence the outcome of the simulation. This results in an interactive and realistic competition. Moreover the business simulation contains important economic parameters and their development.
3. Application and Registration
- The number of participants is limited to 25 students for didactic reasons.
- The application will be availabe here until 26 September 2016, 09:00h. All participants will be chosen by random selection.
- Accepted participants still need to register at the examination office (PAM) (early registration period!).
4. Literature
Participants will receive all necessary information during the lectures or per email.