Other Publication

Knoll, Bodo und Nadine Riedel, 2019, Patent Shifting and Anti-Tax Avoidance Legislation, ifo DICE Report 4 / 2019 (Winter): Innovation Policy.


Richard Collier and Nadine Riedel, 2018, The OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Initiative and Developing Countries, Bulletin for International Taxation 72(12)


Nadine Riedel, 2018,  Comment on J. Becker & J. Englisch, 'Taxing Where Value is Created: What's "User Involvement" Got to Do with It?, 2018, Intertax 47(2)


Patricia Hofmann and Nadine Riedel, 2018,  "Transfer Pricing Regimes for Developing Countries", Bulletin for International Taxation, 72(4/5)


Riedel, Nadine and Zinn, Theresa and  Spengel, Christoph, 2014, The Increasing Importance of Transfer Pricing Regulations - A Worldwide Overview, Intertax 


Fuest, Clemens and Maffini, Giorgia and Riedel, Nadine, 2013, Do Corruption and Taxation Affect Corporate Investment in Developing Countries?, Critical Issues in Taxation and Development, MIT Press


Clemens Fuest and Shafik Hebous and Nadine Riedel, 2013, International Profit Shifting and Multinational Firms in Developing Economies, Critical Issues in Taxation and Development, MIT Press


Clemens Fuest and Nadine Riedel, 2011,  Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance in Developing Countries: The Role of International Profit Shifting, in: Reuter, P. (editor): Draining Development? The Sources, Consequences and Control of Flows of Illicit Funds from Developing Countries, The World Bank, Conference Volume 66815


Clemens Fuest and Nadine Riedel, 2009, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance and Tax Expenditures in Developing Countries: A Review of the Literature,  prepared for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) 


Nadine Riedel, 2008, Essays on the Taxation of Multinational Firms, PhD thesis, University of Munich


Bodo Knoll and Nadine Riedel, 2014, Transfer Pricing Laws, CESifo DICE Report