Welcome to the Institute for Public and Regional Economics!

Welcome to our webpage! We offer various core and electorate courses in public and regional economics for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students in Economics. Further details can be found here (courses). Our main research area is the empirical evaluation of government policies. In particular, we aim to understand how firms and households respond to taxation, government spending and regulation. A particular focus is on questions related to the taxation of multinational firms and questions at the intersection with development economics and regional economics. For further information please see here and visit the webpages of our staff.


In case of questions, please contact us under: inwire@wiwi.uni-muenster.de


Dear students,

please note the following announcements regarding the start of our lectures in the winter term 2023/24:

Einführung in die VWL/ Principles of Economics: The lecture on Monday, 09.10.2023 is cancelled. The first lecture takes place on Tuesday, 10.10.2023.

Sozialpolitik:  The lecture on Tuesday, 10.10.2023 is cancelled. The first lecture takes place on Wednesday, 11.10.2023.

Economic Policy: The lecture on Monday, 09.10.2023 is cancelled. The first lecture takes place on Wednesday, 11.10.2023.